
Current Markets Trading Strategies

Clear Thinking in Confusing Markets

The Great Recession is not ending in a meltdown similar to 2008. Many of the problems here in the U.S. are being dealt with. The important thing is to recognize the differences and understand how we can take advantage of the current opportunities. We suggest selling S&P 500 options as a way generate a 10% and sticking with our commodity investment thesis.

Current Markets Gold and Silver Grain Markets Trading Strategies

Wheat and Corn Spread at 25 Year Highs

There are prices we accept in life as absolutes. We accept that gold is more expensive than silver or that a Mercedes is more than a Chevrolet. Sometimes, things change.
Remember when diesel fuel was cheaper than gasoline? Not only is diesel more expensive, it has maintained its premium for more than ten years now. Recently, another market relationship has been
called into question – the relationship between corn and wheat.

Historically, wheat futures trade at a premium to corn futures. In fact, over the …

Current Markets Energy Markets Trading Strategies

Corn to Rally using Crude Oil as Analog

The corn futures market was facing unprecedented demand heading into this year’s planting season. The tightest supplies since 1937 and the governmentally mandated ethanol
program’s consumption of 40% of this year’s crop put extra pressure on Mother Nature to produce a record crop. We all know that this spring broke the 100-year-old record for rainfall. When we
combined this with cold temperatures, flooding along the Mississippi and a southwestern drought, it became obvious that corn acreage would suffer as farmers would be forced to wait for the fields