
Macro Viewpoints Trading Strategies

Politicizing the Stabilization Plan

The Political Nature of the Economic Crisis

September 30, 2008 | 2115 GMT

By George Friedman

Classical economists like Adam Smith and David Ricardo referred to their discipline as “political economy.” Smith’s great work, “The Wealth of Nations,” was written by the man who held the chair in moral philosophy at the University of Glasgow. This did not seem odd at the time and is not odd now. Economics is not a freestanding discipline, regardless of how it is regarded today. It is a discipline that can only be understood when linked to …

Macro Viewpoints

What a Cycle!

Sixteen years ago, I considered myself a rookie trader on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Bright eyed and eager to learn, I followed every market I could. I actively traded the S&P 500 but, I always went in early for the currency and interest rate openings, as well. I actively and, knowingly took advantage of any of the major market players willing to have a cup of coffee with me. The economic times were significantly different than those of today. Trading volume was ushering in a major stock market bull- run, even as memories of the ’87 crash …

Macro Viewpoints

The High Cost of the Last Penny

This is a very succinct article on the high cost, both monetary and human, of squeezing the last dime out of a product and the consequence of “earnings blindness” and not
being able to see past this quarter’s numbers.

There are some positive investment strategies touched upon below. We can help with short term metals and treasury trading. Our customers’ accounts are in segregated funds and are not borrowed
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We haven’t been around as long as Lehman but, I am the second generation and I believe in the process of handing the reigns over to the next generation. Therefore, …