Weekly Commodity Strategy Review 10/24/2014

This was a quiet week on the trading front. Our editor was out on Monday so, we had no piece for TraderPlanet. We did follow up on Tuesday with, "Commitment of Traders Report Caps Eurodollar Rally" in Equities.com. This trade is still worth looking at as it will take quite a while to pan out.

Our main feature was the chart and graph intensive, "October Market Volatility Scared No One." This piece seems to be pretty well received based on its near instant #1 Google rank for articles on the market's recent volatility. We compared seven commodity markets across the equity, interest rate and precious metals sectors and their interactions through October's expanding volatility. The fact that we didn't find what we were expecting to is far more telling about our current place in the markets and where we may be headed.

Finally, I urge you take a look at the Mechanical Commitment of Traders Program we've developed and see how breaking the markets into separate long and short trades can improve your swing trading odds.

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