Bonds Creeping Towards Lower Yields

The multi-year bond rally has continued unabated. Therefore, it's no surprise that our mechanical, long only trading program following the commercial traders in the bond market has had a good year winning 7/8 trades as you can see on the chart below, for net profits of more than $5,000 per contract.

The current setup suggests that this roll should continue.

bond trading program results
This program is based on the Commercial traders in the US Treasury Bond market.

You can find more information on this program as well as the 32 other markets we trade with Mechanical Trading Programs based on the CFTC's Commitment of Traders Reports.

Compare that chart to the discretionary COT Signals chart, below.

commitment of trader bond position
The discretionary version of COT Signals uses the exact same parameters for every market, both long and short.

COT Signals Discretionary Program Free Trial.

Read our full 30-Year Bond futures market analysis at TraderPlanet.

Bonds Creeping Towards Lower Yields