Commitment of Traders Resistance Caps S&P 500 Rally

The commercial traders have been on fire when comes to predicting the stock market in 2014. I suppose this makes sense since they're the ones with access to the best information and modeling available. This explains the huge moves we've seen in their net positions based on the Commitment of Traders reports. Somehow their neural and social networks have put them in the right position for nearly every trade this year as you can see on the chart below.

Commercial traders have positioned themselves on the right side of the market for every major move this year.
Commercial traders have positioned themselves on the right side of the market for every major move this year.

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This year's trades and published pieces have included:

A January buy signal, "Capitalizing on Fear in the S&P 500."

A profitable exercise in Spread Trading Via the Russell 2000 vs S&P 500.

COT Signals Mechanical Programs

The Commitment of Traders Report tipped us off to the October sell off and GIANT bounce in:

Commercial Selling Tips S&P 500 Bias

Finally, the bounce was detailed in, "October Market Volatility Scared No One."

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