Weekly Commodity Strategy Review 09/26/2014

Monday once again started our week off with a bang in our feature for TraderPlanet. We looked at the technical, fundamental and geopolitical support the 10-yr Treasury Notes were nearing and indicated that a buying opportunity was upon us in, "Commercial Traders Support the 10yr Treasury Note."

Tuesday's setup for Equities.com in the orange juice market never materialized and our entry order was never filled. The entry technique we used is one that every trader should have in their arsenal. The idea is to make the market prove its intentions prior to committing our capital to the trade.

By the way, the fundamental and seasonal analysis on the OJ trade is still in play and this is why we feel, "Orange Juice is Ready for an Expiration Rally."

Finally, I went a bit overboard in our analysis of "Trading the Decline in Commodity Prices and Volatility." This piece was much longer than normal and featured a whopping six charts to go with it.

Click on the charts to expand them in the article. It was important to include a visual representative of each market sector to illustrate how widespread these declines have been.

This piece is also illustrative of the advantage commercial traders have in their determination of value within the markets and is a clear example of the profit centers their trading arms become in markets like these.

All of the trades and research published above is the product of COTSignals.com.